Sharks are thick right now within 10 miles of our beautiful Naples beaches. We have been concentrating on fishing big structure, like our numerous artificial reefs and wrecks just off the coast. I like to look for spots that hold large schools of bait and mackerel, those seem to always have a few big predators lurking around. I always keep an eye out on the surface while fishing these spots especially if we have a chum bag hanging over the side, sometimes a curious shark with simply cruise up to the boat to see what is going on. Cut mullet, blue runners, and Jacks seem to be the bait of choice most days. Most of the sharks are ranging from 4-8ft in length, but we have had some shots at some real big bruisers as well. No matter the size of them, they all are real drag screamers and will put your tackle and angler to the test. #captainrobertson #naplesfishingboat
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